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News of 2011-03-18
Batteries finned tubes in the radiant heat exchange

The efficiency of the heat exchangers is primarily dependent on the heat transfer capacity of the finned tubes provided.

Two main factors to consider in the construction of batteries radiant finned tubes:

  • design of the pipes
  • Operating Environment

The shape of the fins has a key role in enabling the conduction of heat.
That's why when designing battery radiant finned tubes are taken into account different forms depending on:

  • Operating Temperature
  • materials used
  • the need to protect against corrosion
  • the final cost of the system to be implemented

COSTER sas - Thermotechnic carpentry-via 1° Maggio, 5 20066 Melzo (MI) Italy Ph.: +39-0295737504

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News of 2011-03-18
Batteries finned tubes in the radiant heat exchange

The efficiency of the heat exchangers is primarily dependent on the heat transfer capacity of the finned tubes provided.

Two main factors to consider in the construction of batteries radiant finned tubes:

  • design of the pipes
  • Operating Environment

The shape of the fins has a key role in enabling the conduction of heat.
That's why when designing battery radiant finned tubes are taken into account different forms depending on:

  • Operating Temperature
  • materials used
  • the need to protect against corrosion
  • the final cost of the system to be implemented

COSTER sas - Thermotechnic carpentry-via 1° Maggio, 5 20066 Melzo (MI) Italy Ph.: +39-0295737504