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News of 2013-09-05
Enthalpy heat recovery units

By using enthalpy heat recovery systems it possible to reduce the energy costs of industrial processes: infact a portion of heat transferred to water, gas, steam can be recovered.

The strategic importance of enthalpy heat recovery systems has increased over time due to the increasingly higher energy costs for businesses.

For this reason, companies must enter within its industrial plant equipment dedicated to the thermal exchange in order to increase the efficiency and profitability of the production cycle.

The investment incurred for the purchase of enthalpy heat recovery systems pay for itself in a short time thanks to the energy savings achieved.

COSTER SAS - design and construction of high-performance heat exchangers - Via 1° Maggio 5 Melzo Milano ITALY

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News of 2013-09-05
Enthalpy heat recovery units

By using enthalpy heat recovery systems it possible to reduce the energy costs of industrial processes: infact a portion of heat transferred to water, gas, steam can be recovered.

The strategic importance of enthalpy heat recovery systems has increased over time due to the increasingly higher energy costs for businesses.

For this reason, companies must enter within its industrial plant equipment dedicated to the thermal exchange in order to increase the efficiency and profitability of the production cycle.

The investment incurred for the purchase of enthalpy heat recovery systems pay for itself in a short time thanks to the energy savings achieved.

COSTER SAS - design and construction of high-performance heat exchangers - Via 1° Maggio 5 Melzo Milano ITALY